I don’t know if they should be banned entirely, but prevent one person from becoming more powerful than the government they rely on for protection AND money … absolutely … this Oligarchy is why I’ve lost faith in America and have thrown my American flag in the garbage 🗑️ (seriously) … they are why I am actively working towards a permanent exit from the USA with hopes of never returning .. the US style of government only serves them, so why should I care what happens to it? I don’t … america is no longer the land of opportunity but the land of permanent servitude to a few and I’d like my child to have something far better than what we’ve had for going on 3 generations now … if that means less technology, luxury, less innovation, that’s quite alright for me … as I don’t consider these things as having contributed to a better life for me or my loved ones much at all … the least I could do is go find it or make an attempt at finding it