My first ever taste of any genuine mass influence or power was helping resurrect a failed community youth soccer league … the league struggled for more than 2 decades … the community was deeply invested in other sports such as football, baseball, hockey, etc … and soccer drew the ire of the fairly conservative community, seeing it as more necessary nuisance than viable youth sports option .. so it failed and missed an entire season during covid .. having 4 beautiful kids of my own, I saw soccer as great cross training sport to help my kids with other sports and having coached in the league I volunteered to take it over and restart it .. all the league needed was a little love and attention and so I gave unto it .. it did seem like the unloved kiddo on the block, something I always felt myself and I wanted to show people what loving the unloved could do … the BEST DAMN leadership lesson and experience anyone could have ever had .. I was fortunate to have a former Whirlpool CIO guide me through it .. I figured, the worst I could do is what they already did, and not have a soccer season … fast forward a year or so later and our team turned it into the most popular youth sports league in the area .. accumulating over 1,500 registered families and surpassing all youth sports leagues in size and membership in close proximity … it was such a surprise and smashing success that the county government gave us an investment of close to $170,000 in facility upgrades … that they’d held off doing for over 20+ years … the county commissioners weren’t confident investing in youth soccer or the prior teams managing it … the community was astonished at the success and asked that I help run the youth football program too .. and help with others like baseball, hockey, etc .. the youth football program was their pride and joy and enjoyed having a very wealthy benefactor contribute to it .. after that success it was very possible that I could run for mayor or public office and win 🏆 … I loved (and love) that Michigan community more than they know … they adopted this Oklahoma country boy and made him one of their own … boy do I miss all of them, and I actually cried like a baby when I had to move south to Indiana .. felt like I was leaving a close family of several hundred people .. at 35 and having the adoration of the local community, I could sense the allure of power and why people seek it as they do .. but not having ever had that kind of power or success I was genuinely afraid of the power afforded to me .. I didn’t want to let anyone down and so I towed the line and kept everything above board and transparent … even had an external auditor review our work as a precaution .. I earned their trust and wasn’t gonna do anything to lose it .. they all came before I did and I wanted them all to know how much I loved them and how grateful I was of their support of me and team ..
it’s why I love the GREAT STATE OF MICHIGAN